Jackie Harder

Pharmacy Patient Specialist

Jackie was born in Ohio and moved to Indiana when she was 6 years old. She graduated from Carmel High School in 1998 and then in 2003 she decided to take a leap of faith and became a Pharmacy Technician. She has spent 18 years in this amazing field that she loves and she is Nationally Certified and just recently became certified to give immunizations.

Jackie started working for Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy inside the Damien Center 3 years ago and developed a passion for HIV care. When Damien Center decided to start their own pharmacy she knew she had to be a part of this amazing journey! She officially joined the Damien Center team in February of 2021. She is excited to be part of the Damien Pharmacy team and to provide services to all the patients that are seen in the clinic!

When she is not at work she enjoys time with her husband Eric and her three beautiful daughters! Jackie loves to shop, sing, do makeup and just hang out with family and friends!