Damien Center is proud to accept in-kind donations, which allow you to give tangible items rather than cash donations to benefit the clients we serve.
Your support. Your way.
In addition to financial contributions, we also accept in-kind donations, which allow you give tangible items rather than cash donations that benefit the clients we serve. We accept in-kind donations to support several areas:

Food Pantry Needs
If you'd like to donate to our food pantry or host a food drive for your organization, please contact our team to get started. The items most needed for our pantry are the following items from our Hygiene wish list:
- Dish soap (small bottles)
- Lotion
- Paper towels
- Toilet Paper
- Bar soap
- Body wash
- Cleaning supplies
- Deodorant
- Hygiene/disinfectant wipes

Holiday Assistance
Every year Damien Center partners with organizations and people in the community to help our clients in need during the holidays.
Holiday Gift Assistance
Remember the feeling you get every year receiving personalized gifts for the holidays - that feeling is what you will provide to a client and their family by donating to our Holiday Assistance program.
One way to help is through purchasing holiday gifts for either an individual client or a client's family. Every year, we have clients fill out wish lists for themselves and their families. We provide the list to the sponsor to purchase items off of the list. The sponsor can either wrap the gifts or bring them to Damien to have them wrapped.

Silent Auction
Each year the Damien Center hosts one of Indianapolis’ premier events – Grande Masquerade. The event draws hundreds of attendees who celebrate the evening by showing their support to the Damien Center’s mission and vision. The night of Grande Masquerade, a silent auction is organized to highlight donated items from our community’s businesses and nonprofit partners. With so many people in attendance, a wide variety of goods and services are needed to provide an array of options.
We hope that your business or organization will consider participating in our silent auction this year! Whether you provide a key item that becomes the focal point for an entire table of items, a gift certificate, an item that boosts the value of a gift basket, or an item deserving of its own spot in the live auction, you will be helping Damien Center achieve its significant mission to empower our community and clients living with HIV through care, prevention, education, and services.
Donate Furniture to our Housing Team
Looking to donate furniture or other household items to benefit our clients? Fill out this form and our team will be in touch within 7 business days.