Make A Gift
Our organizations relies on community support to ensure the most at-risk individuals have equitable access to quality, holistic care.

Each year, we rely on hundreds of volunteers to support our clients, organization, and services.

Special Events
Special events are a great way to support the work we do while also helping us spread the word about the local and national fight against HIV.

In-Kind Donations
We are proud to accept in-kind donations, which allow you give tangible items rather than cash donations that benefit the clients we serve.
Saving lives everyday and directly impacting our community
Damien Center’s services are provided through the support of our of community. Your support makes an impact, no matter how large or small, to improve the health of our clients and community. As a proud United Way Agency, the center provides service to over 6,000 individuals each year. As a donor, supporter, and friend of Damien Center, you help us achieve our mission and vision to provide one home of HIV wellness.
To view our Donor Privacy Policy, please click here.
What does your donation mean for those affected by HIV?
Provides the cost of a visit to our food pantry for one client
Provides the cost of one HIV, STI, or pregnancy test
Provides a safe and affordable housing for one month
Provides Care Coordination for one client for one year
Our Impact
88% of our medical patients achieved an undetectable viral load compared to the Central Indiana average of 65%.
We linked 95% of new HIV cases to care within 30 days, almost doubling the average rate of Central Indiana at 48%.
Our clients have a retention rate of 81% compared to the central Indiana average of 53.7%.
Through all of our programs, we served over 8,000 individuals in 2023.
The Damien Center testing department administered 3,400 free HIV tests in 2023.
95% of patients were satisfied with their care.