All Damien Center patients receive the highest quality care from our team of medical, mental health, and social service specialists.


Damien Center is a Community Clinic Providing Equitable Medical Services in Indianapolis

Damien Center is a community health center that provides equitable care for all. We are proud to provide judgment-free and inclusive services to all of our patients, including those living with HIV, the LGBTQ+ community, and their allies. We operate on a sliding fee scale and offer discounts for services based on family size and income

At the Damien Center clinic, we focus on patients as individuals. Our clinic provides HIV services with a focus on primary and high-risk HIV-negative care. The clinic also provides patients with a medical case manager, mental health and substance abuse counseling services, and access to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) for those at substantial risk for contracting HIV.

We also offer comprehensive Primary Care and Gender-Affirming Care (including Hormone Replacement Therapy) for our clients. Learn more about our Gender Affirming Care services!

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What to Expect

How Do I Know Damien Center is Right for Me?

At the Damien Center clinic, our medical staff emphasizes the importance of well-rounded care and will take the time to talk with you about your treatment options, adherence to medication, and possible side effects. Your health is important to us and we want our patients to take an active role in their medical plan by communicating your needs and concerns with our medical staff. All treatment plans are developed collaboratively with patients to promote holistic wellness and HIV prevention.

What services does the clinic provide?

Clinic services include HIV Care, PrEP, Primary Care, Gender Affirming Care, Medical Case Management, and Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services.

Who can be seen at the clinic?

All clinic patients must be HIV+ or PrEP patients.

How do I schedule an appointment with the clinic?

If you are interested in the Damien Center Clinic, call (317) 423-0130 to make an appointment or speak with your case manager.

Who do I call if I have a question about the clinic or about PrEP?

For all clinic related questions, please call 317 423 0130. For questions about PrEP, please call 317 510 6478.

Who will I see at the clinic?

Patients at the clinic will see a Provider (physician, nurse practitioner, and/or medical assistant) who has experience in HIV/AIDS care.

What insurance will be accepted at the clinic?

Damien Center is working to accept as many insurance providers as possible and at this time anyone can schedule an appointment.


About the Clinic

The mission of Damien Center is to be a trusted partner in providing quality clinical care for all people living with or at risk for HIV and any person seeking a safe and welcoming home for care.

Damien Center, established in 1987, offers individuals living with HIV in central Indiana access to infectious disease care and primary care. The clinic also offers PrEP and PEP for those at substantial risk for contracting HIV.

Damien Center provides an opportunity for patients to work with a team of professionals who support health and well-being with a holistic approach. All staff members are trained professionals who are committed to ensuring that each patient's needs are met.

Damien Center provides patients the opportunity to receive medical care through the clinic, while also receiving non-medical and support services if needed. This ensures that patients receive wrap-around services and holistic wellness as they work toward self-sufficiency.

OutCare - Finding Care that Works for You.

At Damien Center, we provide compassionate, equitable, care to anyone in the community. In those rare moments where we can not provide medical care you require, we are proud to partner with OutCare to offer access to their Affirming Care Directory and can help you find an affirming doctor in your area.

OutCare was founded in 2015 by Dr. Dustin Nowaskie and his husband Jordan after they noticed a common theme in the LGBTQ+ community that people were forgoing medical care due to fear of judgement from doctors. The main mission of OutCare is to link LGBTQ+ individuals to affirming care in their area.

To learn more, visit the OutList - OutCare's directory of affirming providers in your area.

The Outlist LGBTQ+ Affirming Provider Directory

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