Four Reasons to Volunteer for Grande Masquerade: Disco Ball


August 16, 2013



With our 26th annual Grande Masquerade a mere two months away, we're starting to think about this (always epic) fundraising gala in real-life terms. We're shifting from loosey-goosey pipe dreams of glitzy sequins and shiny disco balls to the more important questions: How many glitzy sequins? How shiny of a disco ball? And who's going to help us put it all together?!

Enter our faithful supporters, our behind-the-scenes superheroes: our volunteers. Every year, dozens of volunteers sign their lives away for a few hours (okay, but we feed them, so don't worry) to help us set up, get people registered, run our live and silent auctions, answer our guests' questions, run random errands, check people out at the end of the night, tear down, and oh so much more. They are truly our lifeboats during this event, and this year, you can join the ranks!

Here's why you should volunteer for Grande Masquerade Disco Ball:

4. Obviously, you're helping us out, and you can feel good about that. Last year, the event raised more than $178,000, and we have volunteers to thank for helping us accomplish that. Being a part of our success means you're helping us fight HIV/AIDS and care for those affected by it.

3. If the feel-good factor isn't enough to make you want to give up a Saturday night, look at this way: volunteering is good for your soul, yes, but it's also good for your resume, scholarship apps, class requirements, and more. We want our volunteers to get something out of it, too, so we're happy to help you accomplish your goals while you're helping us accomplish ours.

2. Two words: People. Watching. Our guests come in costumes, black-tie, and everything in between. Seeing what costumes and ideas our guests have come up with is so much fun.

1. You get to attend a classy, quirky, fun, disco-themed fundraiser without having to shell out the bucks to do so! Win win win win.

If you're at least partially convinced that you'd like to volunteer for what's shaping up to be a heckuva Disco Ball, get some more info and fill out our volunteer sign-up form. See you at the Disco Ball!