Top 5 reasons to be a Grande Masquerade Table Captain


July 16, 2015



First things first, what's a Grande Masquerade Table Captain? It's super simple, and it's a great way to take your support for The Damien Center and Grande Masquerade up a notch. All it means to be a Table Captain is that you'll help us fill a table of 10 people for Indy's most swingin' party, Grande Masquerade: Gatsby Style. That means that when you show up for the fun on October 17, nine of your friends/colleagues/family members will be there with you, supporting The Damien Center. Triple win.

But why, oh why, wouldn't I just buy a ticket and tell my friends to do the same? Here are your top five reasons to get on board as a Table Captain:

5. Sitting with your friends is way more fun. When was the last time you went to a wedding and had to sit with complete strangers? Sure, maybe they turned out to be cool enough for a fun night, but it's nothing compared to tearing up the dance floor and swapping college stories over wine spritzers with your BFFs. The whole party gets amped up when everyone's having fun - sitting with your pals starts the night off right and gets everyone excited about giving back.

4. If you're bringing work friends or acquaintances, it's a great opportunity to showcase a cause you care about. People bond over all kinds of things, and if you're looking for a reason to get to know someone better, hosting a table is a great way to do that. It's not easy chatting it up with people you're just getting familiar with, but having a common cause to discuss and get excited about can break the ice.

3. Hosting a table doesn't necessarily mean you have to pay for each seat. We know, we know, it might be hard to imagine footing the bill for 10 seats at a table. For those who can, we're grateful for that support, but for those who can't, we have options! One option is to simply organize the table, purchasing just your own ticket and asking each other guest to list you as their Table Captain so you can all sit together. Another option to get a co-host on board, so you're each responsible for half of the table, whether you purchase those tickets yourself or get friends to purchase those seats. Lastly, you could also secure a sponsorship from your employer (we can help with that), or even split a table with your employer. See? Options!

2. It doesn't hurt to try! Here's the reality: while we would absolutely LOVE to have you fill your table (or two or three!) if you tell us you want to be a Table Captain, nothing bad is going to happen if you aren't able to fill your table. We won't penalize you or hold it against you. We'll either combine yours with another partially filled table, or we'll place some (super cool and fun) individual ticket holders at your table.

1. Being a Table Captain showcases your support of The Damien Center to your community in a new and creative way. By letting your friends and family know you'd like them to join you at this year's Grande Masquerade, whether as your guests or by purchasing their own tickets at your table, you're taking on a leadership role in supporting The Damien Center. By inviting people in your life to share in and give back to a cause you personally care about, you're setting the tone and showing that you care about your community. Thats something to be proud of!

Ready to sign up as a Table Captain? Want to get more info? Here are some key details about ticket prices and how to sign up:

Table Prices (prices increase on October 2)

  • $1350 - General Admission Table, includes admission for 10 to event
  • $1750 - VIP Table, includes admission for 10 to VIP reception and event
  • $2250 - VIP Premier Table, includes admission for 10 to VIP reception and event, premier seating at event, two bottles of sparkling wine, special gift bags, and bar runners at the table. Only 15 VIP Premier Tables are available, and no individual tickets will be sold for VIP Premier Tables.

If you're ready to serve as a Table Captain, email Tami at [email protected] and include the following information:

  • Number of tables you would like to fill
  • Type of table: VIP Premier ($2250), VIP ($1,750), or General Admission ($1,350)
  • Whether you are sponsoring your table(s) or your guests will be paying for their own tickets

Ticket prices increase on October 2, so get on board and get excited today!

Sidenote: If you have a business and are interested in learning about sponsorship opportunities, we'd love to hear from you!